- 概要
Get Channel Feed Summaries API は、チャネル内のすべてのセンサーフィールドからフィードサマリーを読み取るために使用されます。このメソッドは JSON または CSV オブジェクトを返します。各フィードサマリーのレコードは、各フィールドの合計値、平均値、レコード数、標準偏差、最大値、最小値で構成されます。
チャネルの最新の読み取り値のみにアクセスする必要がある場合は、Get Channels APIを使用することを推奨します。これは、すべてのチャネルの最新の測定値を一度に返します。
- HTTPメソッド
- URLパラメータ
名称 | タイプ | 必須 | 説明 |
api_key or account_key | 文字列 | プライベート・チャンネルに必須 | チャネルの API 書き込みキーまたは読み込みキー、あるいはウェブコンソールパネルから取得した account_key を指定します。 |
results | 整数値 | オプション | 検索するエントリ数。最大数は8,000件です。 |
start | 日付 | オプション | 開始日のフォーマット YYYY-MM-DD%20HH:NN:SS |
end | 日付 | オプション | 終了日のフォーマット YYYY-MM-DD%20HH:NN:SS. |
timezone | 文字列 | オプション | このリクエストのTime Zones Referenceの識別子 |
callback | 文字列 | オプション | JSONPクロスドメインリクエストに使用される関数名 |
- 応答
- 例
{"result": "success", "server_time": "2019-02-07T13:13:15Z", "is_truncated": false, "start": "2019-02-07T02:00:00+00:00", "end": "2019-02-07T11:00:00+00:00", "timezone": "Europe/London", "num_records": 10, "results": 10, "channel": { "channel_id": "1419", "name": "C-1419", "field1": "Temperature", "field2": "Humidity", "field3": "Light", "field4": "Voltage", "field5": "WIFI RSSI", "field6": "Vibration Index", "field7": "Knocks", "field8": "External Temperature Probe", "field9": "Reed Sensor", "field10": null, "latitude": "41.7922", "longitude": "123.4328", "elevation": null, "created_at": "2018-12-07T03:15:40Z", "public_flag": "false", "user_id": "8D5F3ACB-87A5-4D80-AA5F-FC64E8647990", "last_entry_date": "2019-02-07T13:10:26Z", "last_entry_id": "50982", "vconfig": "{\"field1\":{\"h\":\"0\",\"u\":\"1\"},\"field2\":{\"h\":\"0\",\"u\":\"3\"},\"field3\":{\"h\":\"0\",\"u\":\"4\"},\"field4\":{\"h\":\"0\",\"u\":\"5\"},\"field5\":{\"h\":\"0\",\"u\":\"6\"},\"field6\":{\"h\":\"0\",\"u\":\"7\"},\"field7\":{\"h\":\"0\",\"u\":\"8\"},\"field8\":{\"h\":\"0\",\"u\":\"1\"},\"field9\":{\"h\":\"0\",\"u\":\"9\"}}", "full_dump": "0", "plan_code": "ubibot_free", "username": "cloudleader" }, "feeds": [{ "created_at": "2019-02-07T11:00:00+00:00", "field3": { "sum": 0.24, "avg": 0.06, "count": 4, "sd": 0, "max": 0.06, "min": 0.06 }, "field1": { "sum": 94.515136, "avg": 23.628784, "count": 4, "sd": 0.018257971122225, "max": 23.646141, "min": 23.603416 }, "field2": { "sum": 40, "avg": 10, "count": 4, "sd": 0, "max": 10, "min": 10 }, "field5": { "sum": -160, "avg": -40, "count": 4, "sd": 0, "max": -40, "min": -40 } }, { "created_at": "2019-02-07T10:00:00+00:00", "field3": { "sum": 0.69, "avg": 0.062727272727273, "count": 11, "sd": 0.0044536177141512, "max": 0.07, "min": 0.06 }, "field1": { "sum": 260.85257, "avg": 23.71387, "count": 11, "sd": 0.035359001690453, "max": 23.803696, "min": 23.675514 }, "field2": { "sum": 110, "avg": 10, "count": 11, "sd": 0, "max": 10, "min": 10 }, "field5": { "sum": -487, "avg": -44.272727272727, "count": 11, "sd": 4.3294112362875, "max": -40, "min": -49 }, "field4": { "sum": 4.472982, "avg": 4.472982, "count": 1, "sd": 0, "max": 4.472982, "min": 4.472982 } }, { "created_at": "2019-02-07T09:00:00+00:00", "field3": { "sum": 22.48, "avg": 11.24, "count": 2, "sd": 1.74, "max": 12.98, "min": 9.5 }, "field1": { "sum": 48.264282, "avg": 24.132141, "count": 2, "sd": 0.021362, "max": 24.153503, "min": 24.110779 }, "field2": { "sum": 20, "avg": 10, "count": 2, "sd": 0, "max": 10, "min": 10 }, "field5": { "sum": -80, "avg": -40, "count": 2, "sd": 0, "max": -40, "min": -40 } }, { "created_at": "2019-02-07T08:00:00+00:00", "field3": { "sum": 457.879989, "avg": 38.15666575, "count": 12, "sd": 12.868984722494, "max": 57.32, "min": 16.779999 }, "field1": { "sum": 294.736777, "avg": 24.561398083333, "count": 12, "sd": 0.27719641719199, "max": 25.056076, "min": 24.209579 }, "field2": { "sum": 113, "avg": 9.4166666666667, "count": 12, "sd": 0.49300664859163, "max": 10, "min": 9 }, "field5": { "sum": -512, "avg": -42.666666666667, "count": 12, "sd": 4.0892813821284, "max": -40, "min": -51 }, "field4": { "sum": 4.475632, "avg": 4.475632, "count": 1, "sd": 0, "max": 4.475632, "min": 4.475632 } }, { "created_at": "2019-02-07T07:00:00+00:00", "field3": { "sum": 200.879997, "avg": 100.4399985, "count": 2, "sd": 2.6000025, "max": 103.040001, "min": 97.839996 }, "field1": { "sum": 56.227211, "avg": 28.1136055, "count": 2, "sd": 0.2456705, "max": 28.359276, "min": 27.867935 }, "field2": { "sum": 16, "avg": 8, "count": 2, "sd": 0, "max": 8, "min": 8 }, "field5": { "sum": -90, "avg": -45, "count": 2, "sd": 4, "max": -41, "min": -49 } }, { "created_at": "2019-02-07T06:00:00+00:00", "field3": { "sum": 31344.398927, "avg": 2612.0332439167, "count": 12, "sd": 2824.6816531297, "max": 7016.959961, "min": 116.199997 }, "field1": { "sum": 378.384835, "avg": 31.532069583333, "count": 12, "sd": 2.9701401037999, "max": 35.892273, "min": 26.377892 }, "field2": { "sum": 87, "avg": 7.25, "count": 12, "sd": 1.0103629710818, "max": 9, "min": 6 }, "field5": { "sum": -491, "avg": -40.916666666667, "count": 12, "sd": 0.27638539919628, "max": -40, "min": -41 }, "field4": { "sum": 4.487029, "avg": 4.487029, "count": 1, "sd": 0, "max": 4.487029, "min": 4.487029 } }, { "created_at": "2019-02-07T05:00:00+00:00", "field3": { "sum": 197.159996, "avg": 98.579998, "count": 2, "sd": 1.579998, "max": 100.159996, "min": 97 }, "field1": { "sum": 46.082627, "avg": 23.0413135, "count": 2, "sd": 0.0146865, "max": 23.056, "min": 23.026627 }, "field2": { "sum": 20, "avg": 10, "count": 2, "sd": 0, "max": 10, "min": 10 }, "field5": { "sum": -89, "avg": -44.5, "count": 2, "sd": 4.5, "max": -40, "min": -49 } }, { "created_at": "2019-02-07T04:00:00+00:00", "field3": { "sum": 1133.039978, "avg": 94.419998166667, "count": 12, "sd": 6.4416674668395, "max": 115.040001, "min": 89.68 }, "field1": { "sum": 277.075209, "avg": 23.08960075, "count": 12, "sd": 0.015318618498007, "max": 23.114746, "min": 23.069351 }, "field2": { "sum": 120, "avg": 10, "count": 12, "sd": 0, "max": 10, "min": 10 }, "field5": { "sum": -535, "avg": -44.583333333333, "count": 12, "sd": 5.3456888133232, "max": -40, "min": -52 }, "field4": { "sum": 4.469537, "avg": 4.469537, "count": 1, "sd": 0, "max": 4.469537, "min": 4.469537 } }, { "created_at": "2019-02-07T03:00:00+00:00", "field3": { "sum": 153.099998, "avg": 76.549999, "count": 2, "sd": 0.549999, "max": 77.099998, "min": 76 }, "field1": { "sum": 46.242844, "avg": 23.121422, "count": 2, "sd": 0.0066760000000006, "max": 23.128098, "min": 23.114746 }, "field2": { "sum": 20, "avg": 10, "count": 2, "sd": 0, "max": 10, "min": 10 }, "field5": { "sum": -82, "avg": -41, "count": 2, "sd": 0, "max": -41, "min": -41 } }, { "created_at": "2019-02-07T02:00:00+00:00", "field3": { "sum": 1153.739984, "avg": 96.144998666667, "count": 12, "sd": 50.714404305812, "max": 256.320007, "min": 73.059998 }, "field1": { "sum": 278.933775, "avg": 23.24448125, "count": 12, "sd": 0.069417701157708, "max": 23.352409, "min": 23.141449 }, "field2": { "sum": 122, "avg": 10.166666666667, "count": 12, "sd": 0.37267799624997, "max": 11, "min": 10 }, "field5": { "sum": -536, "avg": -44.666666666667, "count": 12, "sd": 7.3861732687201, "max": -40, "min": -66 }, "field4": { "sum": 4.497895, "avg": 4.497895, "count": 1, "sd": 0, "max": 4.497895, "min": 4.497895 } }] }
- PHPクイックスタート
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | UbiBot // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Copyright (c) 2016-2019 https://www.ubibot.com All rights reserved. // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Author: UbiBot <[email protected]> // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------- // Get Channel Summaries (Get Channel Summaries) // To view a channel feed, send an HTTP GET replacing CHANNEL_ID with the ID of your channel // https://webapi.ubibot.com/docs/ //---------------------------------- header('Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); //yours channel read key, can be obtained from web console panel $apikey = "xxxxxxxxx"; $channel_id = 'XXXXXX'; //channel ID of your device $url = 'https://webapi.ubibot.com/channels/'.$channel_id.'/summary'; $params = array( "api_key" => $apikey,// (string) is Read or Write key for this specific channel (no key required for public channels) "results" => 30,//(integer) Number of entries to retrieve, 8000 max (optional) // "start" => "",//(datetime) Start date in format YYYY-MM-DD%20HH:NN:SS (optional) // "end" => "",//(datetime) End date in format YYYY-MM-DD%20HH:NN:SS (optional) // "timezone" => "",//(string) Identifier from Time Zones Reference for this request (optional) // "callback" => "",//(string) Function name to be used for JSONP cross-domain requests (optional) ); $paramstring = http_build_query($params); $content = getcurl($url,$paramstring); $result = json_decode($content,true); if($result){ if($result['result']=='success'){ $result['channel']['vconfig'] = json_decode($result['channel']['vconfig'],true); //Filter channels that need to be displayed $filter_fields = array('field1','field2','field3','field4','field5','field6','field7','field8','field9','field10'); //Sensor unit $unit = array('temperature_celcius','temperature_feh','humidity','light_lux','voltage','WIFI_dbm','vibration','knocks','magnetic_switch','soil_absolute_moisture'); $list = array(); foreach ($filter_fields as $value) { $list[$value]['name'] = $result['channel'][$value]; if (isset($result['channel']['vconfig'][$value])) { $list[$value]['show'] = $result['channel']['vconfig'][$value]['h']?0:1; $list[$value]['unit'] = $unit[$result['channel']['vconfig'][$value]['u']]; } else { $list[$value]['show'] = 0; $list[$value]['unit'] = null; } } foreach ($result['feeds'] as $value) { foreach ($value as $k => $val) { $tmp = array(); if (in_array($k, $filter_fields)) { $val['created_at'] = $value['created_at']; $list[$k]['data'][] = $val; } } } }else{ echo $result['errorCode'].":".$result['desp']; } }else{ echo "failed"; } //************************************************** /** * @param string $url * @param string $params * @param int $ispost * @return string */ function getcurl($url,$params=false,$ispost=0){ $httpInfo = array(); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION , CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1 ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT , 'JuheData' ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT , 60 ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT , 60); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , true ); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); if( $ispost ) { curl_setopt( $ch , CURLOPT_POST , true ); curl_setopt( $ch , CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS , $params ); curl_setopt( $ch , CURLOPT_URL , $url ); } else { if($params){ curl_setopt( $ch , CURLOPT_URL , $url.'?'.$params ); }else{ curl_setopt( $ch , CURLOPT_URL , $url); } } $response = curl_exec( $ch ); if ($response === FALSE) { //echo "cURL Error: " . curl_error($ch); return false; } $httpCode = curl_getinfo( $ch , CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE ); $httpInfo = array_merge( $httpInfo , curl_getinfo( $ch ) ); curl_close( $ch ); return $response; } ?> <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> table { border-collapse: collapse; border: none; width: 100%; } td,th { border: solid #000 1px; text-align:center; } li{ display:inline} </style> </head> <body> <table> <tr> <th>KEY</th> <th>Sensor name</th> <th>Show</th> <th>Unit</th> <th>Summary Feeds</th> </tr> <?php foreach ($list as $key => $value) :?> <tr> <td><?php echo $key;?></td> <td><?php echo $value['name'];?></td> <td><?php echo $value['show']?'是':'否';?></td> <td><?php echo $value['unit'];?></td> <td style="text-align: left;"> <?php if (empty($value['data'])) :?> No data <?php else :?> <?php foreach ($value['data'] as $val):?> <ul> <li>avg:<?php echo $val['avg'];?></li> <li style="margin-left:20px;">sum:<?php echo $val['sum'];?></li> <li style="margin-left:20px;">count:<?php echo $val['count'];?></li> <li style="margin-left:20px;">sd:<?php echo $val['sd'];?></li> <li style="margin-left:20px;">min:<?php echo $val['min'];?></li> <li style="margin-left:20px;">max:<?php echo $val['max'];?></li> <li style="margin-left:20px;">created_at:<?php echo $val['created_at'];?></li> </ul> <?php endforeach;?> <?php endif;?> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach;?> </table> </body> </html>
- Node JS
let channel_id = xxxx; let url = 'http://webapi.ubibot.io/channels/' + channel_id + '/summary'; let data = { api_key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", results: 30 // ... }; let querystring = require('querystring'); let content = querystring.stringify(data); http.get(url + '?' + content, (resp) => { let data = ''; resp.on('data', (chunk) => { data += chunk; }); resp.on('end', () => { let json = JSON.parse(data); if (json.error_code == 'success') { console.log(json); } else { console.log(json["errorCode"] + ":" + json["desp"]); } }); }).on('error', (e) => { console.log('request api error'); });
- Python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json import requests from urllib.parse import urlencode api_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" channel_id = xxxxx; url = "http://webapi.ubibot.io/channels/%s/summary" % (channel_id) params = { "api_key": api_key, "results": 30, # ...... } params = urlencode(params) r = requests.get("%s?%s" % (url, params)) res = r.json() if res: error_code = res["result"] if error_code == 'success': print(res) else: print("%s:%s" % (res["errorCode"], res["desp"])) else: print("request api error")